Traveling with Children

If you have ever been in the car with a child for more than 10 minutes, you know that it can be a trying ordeal at times. I have 7 nieces and nephews (6 months to 16 years) and a 1.5 year old daughter and I know this from personal experience.

Through my time as an aunt, occupational therapist and mom, I have found some amazing hacks that help keep me sane when riding with kids. iPads and tablets have their time and place during travel don’t get me wrong, these tips are for when screen time is over or is the last resort 😉

First tip I have for you is to have items specifically for each of your children that they do NOT have access to other than in the car. Two reasons for this 1. You won’t forget them, they are already in your car 2. It makes these items special for your children and SHOULD increase engagement and interest! Win win. I have started to use the Iris Photo Cases to keep different activities separated and for quick access, for items that don’t fit into them I have everything in a bag. So far it’s working for our family, we are in the car ALL the time for over an hour at least weekly.

So your probably wanting to know what I have in my Addi Car Kit. Keep in mind that my daughter is 1.5 but these items can be adapted for older kiddos 😉

Felt money. Great for color recognition, number recognition, addition, and Addilynn’s favorite separating them and throwing them 😂
Dollar Store MagnaDoodle. Working on all the necessary pre-writing skills by allowing a continuous clear surface for drawing.
Stickers, Paper, Washi Tape and Post-It Notes. Some parents shy away from stickers, but in the car seat or backseat there isn’t a huge mess!
Books. Knowing what is in each book so you can ask questions such as “Is that your monster?”
Floam. I’m a daring parent but I also am ALL about allowing freedom to play. Addilynn usually refuses to leave the house without this, and I refuse to start a trip crying.
LEGOs. Allows child to use imagination while working on fine motor skills

I will be making a post for older kids and will make new posts when we switch out our Car Kit.

What items do you keep in east access to keep your kids entertained for car rides? Leave your ideas in the comments.

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Hi I'm Brittini

I am a Pediatric Occupational Therapist navigating Teletherapy, Parenting and Life in general. I live in South Florida with my husband and daughter. Join me with playing with no/low prep activities!


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